Theatre of Tragedy – Lament of the perishing roses


where’er thou walkest, thou strewest roses – th-rnless and deep reds are they;
onto a beauteous path harmony thou leadest,
where waterfalls sing their hymns of appraisal.

germinate into green the sterile earth –
equiponderat’d new life against decay.

wash the macrocosm with morning dew –
aurora of the waterfalls’ encircling rainbows.

in the horizon the appearance of a blackening empyrean,
a furious whirling wind accompanied by skies of dusk.

in the lead – the pale horse – pulling a cart of dead deities –
the beautiful colors are drift’d away.

black asphodels ascend from the overcloudéd livid blossom;
completely covering acherontic the land that was thought everlasting.

Theatre Of Tragedy - Lament Of The Perishing Roses

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